A: We have the highest SAT & SHSAT results in NYC, with a per-student overall average SAT improvement of 180.5 points and an 85.71% Specialized High School acceptance rate.

A: We carried the best SHSAT guarantees in the industry for over 15 years– and we’ve never had to fulfill them.

A: Our classes are FUN. Have you seen our youtube vids?

A: There’s no smoke and mirrors. We don’t assign progressively easier tests to fool you into believing you’ve grown. Our tests go from difficult to more difficult. We train hard so the real tests are easy.

A: We care. At Kennedy, your kids are our kids, and we want them to be their best as much as you do. Your child is not a paycheck.

We’re the Best. Don’t take our word for it; google for yourself.

180.5 points for the SAT, with an 85.71% success rate for the SHSAT at Kennedy SAT/SHSAT Prep. Ask for detailed records!

There’s no substitute for a fun classroom. Over 26 years of experience and emotional investment in you and your results doesn’t hurt either. If we want McDonalds, by all means, the big businesses are everywhere — but a small family business will give us the attention that a corporation won’t. We care. At Kennedy, your kids are our kids.

We sometimes only feel comfortable paying for names, even though the prices are exorbitant and your money is invested in everything except the teacher in the classroom. Your child is not a paycheck. We keep our prices low to compete with a misguided view.

Firstly, our very own Cynthia Davis got into Harvard this past Summer (see her testimonial).

Secondly, expecting an Ivy League grad to get your child into an Ivy league school is like expecting a Cadillac to build you another Cadillac; either a teacher can teach or he can’t.

Many programs command a king’s ransom for teachers who graduated uber-expensive schools – but can’t teach. Our lead instructor grew up in Queens, graduated Brooklyn Tech and Queens College, and has over 21 years experience teaching SAT and SHSAT Prep (including 6 at Kaplan) — but he’s still young enough to connect with your teen. He knows what works for a kid from Queens and what doesn’t. He uses his theater background to engage the class in unparalleled edutainment. He has the unrivaled testimonials of the best SAT Teacher in NYC.

He’s the SAT Whisperer.

And for the record, our equally excellent instructors Steven Lin and Tiffany Jones both graduated Cornell.

Would it make sense to take pictures of real NYC students, post quotes that they never said, and then have your child who goes to school with them find out that we made it all up? The truth is, our business is successful because of student word-of-mouth. Haven’t you heard?

Hmm… do they have a picture of that student? A testimonial? Anything? Bueller? Bueller??

If you’re referring to the Shark Tank Teacher, that student was himself.

Scoring high and being able to teach how to score high are apples and oranges. Likewise, be wary of any program promoting the known “U.S. Commerce Association Seal of Approval” scam.

TEN in Flushing, Seven in Garden City. Once a class reaches 20 students, we close enrollment.

Absolutely, but because of schedule changes, please make an appointment first. Call KTP Flushing 929.400.7779 or KTP Garden City at 516.400.5362.

No, not even for a moment at our Flushing facility, or you will be towed. Use the myriad buses, the 7 Train, or the Flushing meter lot on Union St and 37th ave. Because of our close proximity to the major Queens bridges and highways, as well as the NYC Metro system, we are easily accessible from Brooklyn, the Bronx, Manhattan and Long Island.

There’s parking for days at KTP Garden City.

Paypal and Authorize.net are the safest and most convenient ways to make online purchases, and both are backed by 100% guarantees.

Not convinced? Contact Daniel@KennedyTestPrep.com to make mailing arrangements.

Pick a class and click a buy now button to make the first payment. Then, on or before each installment deadline, click the buy now button again to make your additional payments. That’s it!

Payments must made before students can attend class. Commitment to course completion is required.

Yes! Our feedback is effusive.

We did once get a call from a crying parent, but it was because his daughter, Stephanie Ulan of Bayside HS, had just scored a 1540 on the SAT 🙂

135-20 35 ave Flushing, NY 11354
245 Stewart Ave Garden City, NY 11530
135-20 35 ave Flushing, NY 11354
245 Stewart Ave Garden City, NY 11530